Category Archives: Publications

My academic work.

New lab publication by Aylin Koçak in Plos One

Older and younger job seekers’ attention towards metastereotypes in job ads Building on social identity theory and cognitive models on Read More →

New lab publication in the journal of public health

Nudge interventions promoting hand hygiene: a large-scale field experiment in an industrial plant.  Aim: This study investigated the effectiveness of Read More →

New lab publication in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition

The Word Frequency Effect in First and Second Language Reading by Chinese and Dutch Bilinguals High-frequency (HF) words are processed Read More →

Ik schreef een boek…

Het Vlaamse onderwijs krijgt het in de media hard te verduren. Geen enkel land gaat even hard achteruit in internationale Read More →

New lab publication in Language Learning

Does Studying Latin in Secondary Education Predict Study Achievement in Academic Higher Education? Studying Latin in secondary education is still Read More →

New Publication in Horizons of Psychology

Why Plato needs psychology. Proposal for a theoretical framework underpinning research on the cognitive transfer effects of studying classical languages Read More →

New lab publication in Frontiers in Psychology

Is there a cognitive advantage in inhibition and switching for bilingual children? A systematic review. Several studies have pointed to Read More →

New Lab Publication in Contemporary Educational Psychology

Interactions of Gender with Predictors of Academic Achievement Predictive models of academic achievement are used in various (often high stakes) Read More →

New Publication in Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Effects of Healthy Aging and Gender on the Electrophysiological Correlates of Semantic Sentence Comprehension: the Development of Dutch Normative Data Read More →

New lab publication in the Journal of Vocational Behavior

Regressed Person – Environment Interest Fit: Validating Polynomial Regression for a Specific Environment Polynomial regression is a proven method to Read More →