Category Archives: Publications

My academic work.

New lab publication in the journal of public health

Nudge interventions promoting hand hygiene: a large-scale field experiment in an industrial plant.  Aim: This study investigated the effectiveness of Read More →

New lab publication in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition

The Word Frequency Effect in First and Second Language Reading by Chinese and Dutch Bilinguals High-frequency (HF) words are processed Read More →

Ik schreef een boek…

Het Vlaamse onderwijs krijgt het in de media hard te verduren. Geen enkel land gaat even hard achteruit in internationale Read More →

New lab publication in Language Learning

Does Studying Latin in Secondary Education Predict Study Achievement in Academic Higher Education? Studying Latin in secondary education is still Read More →

New Publication in Horizons of Psychology

Why Plato needs psychology. Proposal for a theoretical framework underpinning research on the cognitive transfer effects of studying classical languages Read More →

New lab publication in Frontiers in Psychology

Is there a cognitive advantage in inhibition and switching for bilingual children? A systematic review. Several studies have pointed to Read More →

New Lab Publication in Contemporary Educational Psychology

Interactions of Gender with Predictors of Academic Achievement Predictive models of academic achievement are used in various (often high stakes) Read More →

New Publication in Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Effects of Healthy Aging and Gender on the Electrophysiological Correlates of Semantic Sentence Comprehension: the Development of Dutch Normative Data Read More →

New lab publication in the Journal of Vocational Behavior

Regressed Person – Environment Interest Fit: Validating Polynomial Regression for a Specific Environment Polynomial regression is a proven method to Read More →

New lab publication in the International Journal of Educational Research

How Accurately Do Program-Specific Basic Skills Predict Study Success inOpen Access Higher Education? Student fail rates in the first year Read More →