Category Archives: Publications

My academic work.

New Publication in Neurocase: Category specific recall in acute stroke: a case with letter speech

Category selective recall in spontaneous speech after stroke has been reported only rarely. We recently described three cases demonstrating transient Read More →

New Publication in Neuropsychologia: The white matter architecture underlying semantic processing: a systematic review

From a holistic point of view, semantic processes are subserved by large-scale subcortico-cortical networks. The dynamic routing of information between Read More →

New Publication in Reading Research Quarterly: Reading text when studying in a second language: An eye-tracking study

In this study, we investigated how eye movements are influenced by different text reading goals in participants’ first and second Read More →

New publication in Journal of Neurolinguistics

The involvement of subcortical grey matter in verbal semantic comprehension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI and PET studies. Read More →

New Publication in Journal of Experimental Education

From Interest Assessment to Study Orientation: an Empirical Advice Set Engine Each student faces the challenge of choosing a study Read More →

New Publication in PLoS One: the Effects of Vocational Interest on Study Results: Student Person – Environment Fit and Program Interest Diversity

The extent to which a good person-environment (PE) interest fit between student and study program leads to better study results Read More →

New publication in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience

Prediction and integration of semantics during L2 and L1 listening Using the visual world paradigm, we tested whether Dutch-English bilinguals Read More →

New publication in Behavior Research Methods

How well do word recognition measures correlate? Effects of language context and repeated presentations The present study assessed to what Read More →

New Publication the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Monitoring Speech Production and Comprehension: Where is the Second-Language Delay? Research on error monitoring suggests that bilingual Dutch-English speakers are Read More →

New publication in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Is there adaptation of speech production after speech perception in bilingual interaction? In dialogue, speakers tend to adapt their speech Read More →